
Input component is a component that is used to get user input in a text field.

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import { Input } from '@chakra-ui/react'


Here's a basic usage example of the Input component:

<Input placeholder='Basic usage' />

Changing the size of the Input#

The Input component comes in four sizes. The default is md.

  • xs (24px)
  • sm (32px)
  • md (40px)
  • lg (48px)
<Stack gap={3}>
<Input placeholder='extra small size' size='xs' />
<Input placeholder='small size' size='sm' />
<Input placeholder='medium size' size='md' />
<Input placeholder='large size' size='lg' />

If you want to use the native DOM size attribute you can use the htmlSize prop. For it to work as expected you will also need to provide the width prop set to auto.

<Input htmlSize={4} width='auto' />

Changing the appearance of the input#

The input component comes in 4 variants: outline, unstyled, flushed, and filled. Pass the variant prop and set it to one of these values.

<Stack gap={3}>
<Input variant='outline' placeholder='Outline' />
<Input variant='filled' placeholder='Filled' />
<Input variant='flushed' placeholder='Flushed' />
<Input variant='unstyled' placeholder='Unstyled' />

Left and Right Addons#

Like bootstrap, you can add addons to the left and right of the Input component. Chakra UI exports Group and InputAddon to help with this use case.

<Stack gap={4}>
<Group attached>
<Input type='tel' placeholder='phone number' />
<Group attached>
<Input placeholder='mysite' />
<InputAddon placement='end'>.com</InputAddon>

Add elements inside Input#

In some scenarios, you might need to add an icon or button inside the input component. Chakra UI exports InputElement to help with this use case.

If the left or right is an icon or text, you can pass pointerEvents="none" to InputElement to ensure that clicking on them focused the input.

<Stack gap={4}>
<InputElement pointerEvents='none'>
<MdPhone />
<Input ps='8' type='tel' placeholder='Phone number' />
<InputElement pointerEvents='none'>$</InputElement>
<Input px='8' placeholder='Enter amount' />
<InputElement placement='end'>
<MdCheck />

Password Input Example#

Let's use these components to create a password input with a show/hide password functionality:

function PasswordInput() {
const [show, setShow] = React.useState(false)
const handleClick = () => setShow(!show)
return (
type={show ? 'text' : 'password'}
placeholder='Enter password'
<InputElement width='4.5rem' placement='end'>
<Button h='1.75rem' size='sm' onClick={handleClick}>
{show ? 'Hide' : 'Show'}

Changing the focus and error border colors#

Set the --focus-color and --error-color CSS variables to change the focus and error border colors of the input component.

placeholder='Here is a sample placeholder'
css={{ '--focus-color': 'lime', '--error-color': 'red' }}

Styling the placeholder#

The placeholder of an input can be styled by using the _placeholder prop. Per default the placeholder has an opacity of 0.6, so it can be necessary to set the opacity to 1 if you want the placeholder to have a specific color.

<Stack gap={3}>
<Input placeholder='default placeholder' />
placeholder='custom placeholder'
_placeholder={{ opacity: 1, color: 'gray.500' }}
placeholder='custom placeholder'
_placeholder={{ color: 'inherit' }}
placeholder='custom placeholder'
_placeholder={{ opacity: 0.4, color: 'inherit' }}
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Proudly made inNigeria by Segun Adebayo

Deployed by â–² Vercel