
Tag component is used for items that need to be labeled, categorized, or organized using keywords that describe them.

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import { Tag } from '@chakra-ui/react'


<Tag.Label>Sample Tag</Tag.Label>


Set the size prop to change the size of the tag.

<HStack gap={4}>
{['sm', 'md', 'lg'].map((size) => (
<Tag.Root size={size} key={size} variant='solid' colorPalette='teal'>

Rendering an icon#

<HStack gap={4}>
{['sm', 'md', 'lg'].map((size) => (
<Tag.Root size={size} key={size} variant='subtle' colorPalette='cyan'>
<FiPlus />

Rendering the close button#

<HStack gap={4}>
{['sm', 'md', 'lg'].map((size) => (
<Tag.Root size={size} key={size} colorPalette='green'>
<Tag.CloseTrigger />

Usage with avatar#

<Tag.Root variant='outline' borderRadius='full'>
<Avatar.Root size='xs'>
<Avatar.Image src='https://bit.ly/dan-abramov' />
<Avatar.Fallback name='Dan Abrahmov' />
<Tag.Label> Dan Abramov</Tag.Label>
<Tag.CloseTrigger />
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Proudly made inNigeria by Segun Adebayo

Deployed by â–² Vercel