Range Slider

The RangeSlider is a multi thumb slider used to select a range of related values.

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import { RangeSlider } from '@chakra-ui/react'


<RangeSlider.Root aria-label={['min', 'max']} defaultValue={[10, 30]}>
<RangeSlider.FilledTrack />
<RangeSlider.Thumb index={0} />
<RangeSlider.Thumb index={1} />

Changing the slider color palette#

Set the colorPalette to change the color of the slider.

aria-label={['min', 'max']}
defaultValue={[10, 30]}
<RangeSlider.FilledTrack />
<RangeSlider.Thumb index={0} />
<RangeSlider.Thumb index={1} />

Changing the slider orientation#

By default, the slider orientation is horizontal. However, if you want to have it vertical, pass the orientation prop and set its value to vertical.

aria-label={['min', 'max']}
defaultValue={[10, 30]}
<RangeSlider.Control minH='32'>
<RangeSlider.FilledTrack />
<RangeSlider.Thumb index={0} />
<RangeSlider.Thumb index={1} />

Customizing the Slider#

Slider component was designed to be composed to make it easy for you to customize its styles.

<RangeSlider.Root aria-label={['min', 'max']} defaultValue={[30, 80]}>
<RangeSlider.Track bg='red.100'>
<RangeSlider.FilledTrack bg='tomato' />
<RangeSlider.Thumb boxSize={6} index={0}>
<Box color='tomato' as={MdGraphicEq} />
<RangeSlider.Thumb boxSize={6} index={1}>
<Box color='tomato' as={MdGraphicEq} />

Rendering the value text#

Use the RangeSlider.ValueText component to render the value of the slider.

<RangeSlider.Root aria-label={['min', 'max']} defaultValue={[30, 80]}>
<Flex justify='space-between'>
<RangeSlider.Label> Price</RangeSlider.Label>
<RangeSlider.ValueText />
<RangeSlider.FilledTrack />
<RangeSlider.Thumb index={0} />
<RangeSlider.Thumb index={1} />

Changing the step#

Discrete sliders allow you to snap to predefined sets of values. This can be accomplished using the step prop.

<RangeSlider.Root defaultValue={[120, 240]} min={0} max={300} step={30}>
<RangeSlider.Track bg='red.100'>
<RangeSlider.FilledTrack bg='tomato' />
<RangeSlider.Thumb boxSize={6} index={0} />
<RangeSlider.Thumb boxSize={6} index={1} />

Listening to changes#

Use the onChange and onChangeEnd props to listen to changes in the slider

aria-label={['min', 'max']}
onChangeEnd={(val) => console.log(val)}
<RangeSlider.FilledTrack />
<RangeSlider.Thumb index={0} />
<RangeSlider.Thumb index={1} />


The useRangeSlider hook is exported with state and focus management logic for use in creating tailor-made range slider component for your application. Read more about the useRangeSlider hook here.

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Proudly made inNigeria by Segun Adebayo

Deployed by â–² Vercel