
The Switch component is used as an alternative for the checkbox component.

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The Switch component is used as an alternative for the Checkbox component. You can switch between enabled or disabled states.


import { Switch } from '@chakra-ui/react'


<Field.Label htmlFor='email-alerts' mb='0'>
Enable email alerts?
<Switch.Root id='email-alerts'>
<Switch.Thumb />

Changing the size#

Pass the size prop to change the size of the Switch.

<For each={['sm', 'md', 'lg']}>
{(size) => (
<Switch.Root size={size} key={size}>
<Switch.Thumb />

Changing the color palette#

Set the colorPalette prop to change the color of the Switch.

<Switch.Root defaultChecked colorPalette='teal'>
<Switch.Thumb />
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Deployed by â–² Vercel